Diego Giraldo
Postdoctoral Fellow
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
About me
I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute in Baltimore, USA. I am interested in mosquito olfaction and understanding the molecular and neural mechanisms driving mosquito attraction to humans.
I am currently in the McMeniman Lab where I use quantitative behavioral approaches and functional imaging to understand mosquito olfaction. I also study mosquito olfactory preferences to different humans in naturalistic conditions using our novel field cage assay we developed in Zambia. I have been awarded fellowships from the Human Frontier Science Program and the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute to carry our my research.
Before joining the McMeniman lab, I obtained my PhD in Neurosciences from the University of Göttingen, Germany, where I studied the role of visual opsins in Drosophila mechanosensation.